Wednesday, October 3, 2012



I have something very simple to say about the debate of tonight....

Look not at what was said I say... Politicians say a lot of things good and bad both and make promises that because of the way things work won't ever happen (unless it's for the 1% but that's a different argument....)

Look at behaviour.... Mitt acted in a way I remember very well...

I was bullied throughout grade school, high school and into some of my working life. I know for bullies and Mitt Romney is a stellar example of one. He acted totally entitled to have his way and ran roughshod over the rules of the debate. I would never have voted for him before but now I'm incensed...

Mitt must never have power other then the obscene amount he already has because if the money he inherited. He will forever be called money boo boo from now on. I'd have needed subtitles to understand him in full...

Don't vote Mitt... unless you want to vote him off This Planet Earth....

Lady Gaga